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Apps for a Fast Paced, Startup World
The startup world, as shown on the internet, is awash with questionable Top 10 lists, Top 5 lists and other shortcuts. Consider these apps instead.
Small Business Tax Reform is a Misnomer
Small business tax reform is a popular rallying cry. But what exactly constitutes a small business? If you own your own business you may be surprised.
How to Find a Mentor
Want to find a mentor? While social media and other outlets may prove effective, don’t forget these more “traditional” sources.
Well Traveled Entrepreneurial Advice
A Top 10 list offered some entrepreneurial advice that changed my life. Did you know that most successful entrepreneurs floss after every airline meal?
Hacking Away
I usually avoid articles about productivity hacks, especially those suggesting that readers “think outside the box.” Not this time.
AirBnB Innovation Beats Stagnation
AirBnB Innovation: AirBnB has employed artificial intelligence to improve its user interface and increase its conversion rate.
Hobby or Business?
Is yours a hobby or business? Many have turned their hobbies into successful businesses, but consider reading this article before you do the same.
Almost Bankable? There’s Hope
An interesting article about alternative lending options. If your business is “not quite ready” for a more traditional commercial bank loan, don’t give up.
Pursue Product Perfection, or Scalability?
Should you pursue product perfection, or should you focus on scale? This article may provide some valuable insight and answers.