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Nulla porttitor accumsan tincidunt. Quisque velit nisi, pretium ut lacinia in, elementum id enim. Quisque velit nisi, pretium ut lacinia in, elementum id enim.
Apps for a Fast Paced, Startup World
The startup world, as shown on the internet, is awash with questionable Top 10 lists, Top 5 lists and other shortcuts. Consider these apps instead.
Small Business Tax Reform is a Misnomer
Small business tax reform is a popular rallying cry. But what exactly constitutes a small business? If you own your own business you may be surprised.
How to Find a Mentor
Want to find a mentor? While social media and other outlets may prove effective, don’t forget these more “traditional” sources.
Well Traveled Entrepreneurial Advice
A Top 10 list offered some entrepreneurial advice that changed my life. Did you know that most successful entrepreneurs floss after every airline meal?
Hacking Away
I usually avoid articles about productivity hacks, especially those suggesting that readers “think outside the box.” Not this time.
AirBnB Innovation Beats Stagnation
AirBnB Innovation: AirBnB has employed artificial intelligence to improve its user interface and increase its conversion rate.