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The Value of Videos in Digital Marketing

The Value of Videos in Digital Marketing It is clear that the value of videos in digital marketing has grown substantially in the last few years. Many articles talk about the technical side of of using videos in Digital Marketing efforts. But few talk about the...

Does Age Matter in SEO?

Does Age Matter in SEO? Does age matter in SEO is the big question. It is not easy for any "Old" guy or girl (read 40+) to get work that can be done much faster by a 14 year old, right?! Well not so fast, pardon my pun, an intended one. A Brief Flashback I worked for...

A Tail of Planning Failure

Planning Failure Files: It’s 1902 and the city of Hanoi is plagued by rats. Proposed Solution: Eliminate the pesky rodents by encouraging entrepreneurialism

Freshly Rescued? Maybe Not.

Has Freshly been rescued? Nestle’s recent participation in the home meal delivery company’s $77 million investment round has various interpretations.

Houston, We Have a Problem

Houston, we’ve had a problem. A famous quote, but a poor problem definition. Preparing effective problem statements is an underrated management skill.

Summer Travel Tips for Entrepreneurs

Summer Travel Tips for Entrepreneurs I find summer travel tips specifically for entrepreneurs sounds a bit odd, don't you think? The issues that entrepreneurs face during summer travel are roughly the same as any other traveler. The original article provides some...

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