Houston, We Have a Problem

“Houston, we’ve had a problem.”  Yes, that is the actual quote from astronaut James Lovell on Apollo 13.   The past tense is striking, not simply because it differs from the Hollywood rewrite but because it suggests a problem that had already been...

Beware of Celebrity CEO Wisdom

Einstein, the gold standard of references.  Quote him early and often; one size fits all applications.  Better yet, quote him while quoting celebrity CEOs.  In 2017 (as we see below) Albert’s words-of-wisdom paired with those of Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk, popular...

Apps for a Fast Paced, Startup World

Those who read my blog posts have probably surmised that I am a curmudgeon, one easily irritated by many Top 10, Top 5, or similar listings.  The startup world, as found on the internet, is awash with these enticing shortcuts.  They are the Cliffs Notes of the 21st...

Small Business Tax Reform is a Misnomer

Small business tax reform.  It’s a popular rallying cry.   “The Washington Examiner” article by Tim Click (below) is one business owner’s reasoned take on the subject.  I may not agree with all the author’s points but to elaborate further...

How to Find a Mentor

The Entrepreneur.com article below, detailing various ways that entrepreneurs can find a mentor, is a tempting one to criticize.  After all, I am no fan of Top 10 lists  (or Top 7 in this case).  Indeed, red-font-clicked, sarcasm-at-the-ready, I was fully prepared to...

Well Traveled Entrepreneurial Advice

Did I mention that I read some entrepreneurial advice that changed my life?   The article in question reminded me to floss after every airline meal.  That advice did wonders for my dental hygiene, bolstered my self confidence, even helped me land a new job.  Thank...
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