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Job Hunting With an MBA

Job Hunting with an MBA Job hunting with an MBA: The original article about Hamish Forwood-Stokes an MBA who is doing an internship at Splittable in London, hoping to get a full time job appeared in the Financial Times see link below. The article argues that private...

Positive Attitude Creates Business Success

A Positive Attitude Creates Business Success A positive attitude creates business success, at least according to Barbara Corcoran know from the reality TV series "Shark Tank". There are two distinct statements that come back to me whenever I deal with people, whether...

Online Battle with Amazon – Can Walmart Catch Up?

Online Battle with Amazon In the online battle with Amazon, will Walmart be able to catch up with Amazon. Frankly, I believe it will be difficult but not impossible. In my mind Walmart will only be able to catch up with Amazon if they become a clone of Amazon in every...

The Value of Videos in Digital Marketing

The Value of Videos in Digital Marketing It is clear that the value of videos in digital marketing has grown substantially in the last few years. Many articles talk about the technical side of of using videos in Digital Marketing efforts. But few talk about the...

Does Age Matter in SEO?

Does Age Matter in SEO? Does age matter in SEO is the big question. It is not easy for any "Old" guy or girl (read 40+) to get work that can be done much faster by a 14 year old, right?! Well not so fast, pardon my pun, an intended one. A Brief Flashback I worked for...

Proof That You’re Unfit

Milo Sensors’ new product, Proof, is a fitbit-like device that alerts its users when they exceed a particular blood alcohol limit.

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