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People Are Our Most Important Asset

Strange as it may sound in this age of increasing automation, gig work, and executive pay, companies can honestly say, people are our most important asset.

Valuing Your Pre-Revenue Startup

Pre-revenue startups are risky investments. Ignore the $ billion success stories and take time to understand how investors look at and value such companies.

Loan Shark at the Supreme Court

We live in a litigious society. Losing a court case can be disastrous. If your case has reached the Supreme Court, winning may prove to be a pyrrhic victory

The NDA as a Noncompete Lite

Increasingly, noncompetition agreements (“noncompetes”) are being scrutinized by state legislatures. Many firms are looking to NDAs as an alternative.

Find My iPhone

The next time you’re traveling overseas, consider these hard earned lessons. Find My iPhone is a great app, just make sure you are able to use it.

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