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Nulla porttitor accumsan tincidunt. Quisque velit nisi, pretium ut lacinia in, elementum id enim. Quisque velit nisi, pretium ut lacinia in, elementum id enim.
Texts and Clicks
Give me a clicky keyboard any time. Texting fails to provide the same, comforting, multi-sensory feedback. Nothing compares to typing on my trusty NMB Technologies Hi Tek.
Test Run Misconceptions
When is a test run not a test run? When cash-strapped or inexperienced entrepreneurs are involved. Plan properly, avoid these common pilot production run errors.
600 Lbs of Contract Manufacturing Lessons
Many startups thoroughly qualify their contract manufacturers, then take them for granted. Without continued vigilance and oversight disaster can follow.
Branding Your One Pager
Don’t lose sight of what an Executive Summary really is. It is tempting to give these documents a marketing makeover, but branding your one pager can prove detrimental.
Part Time Entrepreneurs
Many company founders began their careers as part time entrepreneurs. So, how did they demonstrate total project commitment to potential investors?
The Reluctant Entrepreneur
Often, Founders have unstated, grandiose, long term goals for their businesses. These dreams can sometimes conflict with critical, short term strategic decisions.