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Nulla porttitor accumsan tincidunt. Quisque velit nisi, pretium ut lacinia in, elementum id enim. Quisque velit nisi, pretium ut lacinia in, elementum id enim.
Hobby or Business?
Is yours a hobby or business? Many have turned their hobbies into successful businesses, but consider reading this article before you do the same.
Almost Bankable? There’s Hope
An interesting article about alternative lending options. If your business is “not quite ready” for a more traditional commercial bank loan, don’t give up.
Pursue Product Perfection, or Scalability?
Should you pursue product perfection, or should you focus on scale? This article may provide some valuable insight and answers.
Concrete Examples: Low Tech Goes High Tech
Low tech goes high tech. I really enjoyed these two articles, as they focus on such a mundane product. They may change the way you think about concrete.
Hugsy Deserves a Hug
Hugsy, an intriguing Dutch startup, has developed a smart blanket for the care of premature babies. May its recent fundraising be the first of many.
Art Meets Technology – LED Bike Lights
Art Meets Technology - LED Bike Lights My first thought was, WOW, why did I not have bicycle lights like that when I grew up?! I grew up in the Netherlands in the days where current technology was not invented yet. Back to the future with the DeLorean car and the...