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Nulla porttitor accumsan tincidunt. Quisque velit nisi, pretium ut lacinia in, elementum id enim. Quisque velit nisi, pretium ut lacinia in, elementum id enim.
Business Success and Employee Happiness
Business success and employee happiness are related. So, why do so many famous CEOs focus exclusively on shareholder value?
Wearable Sensors in the Workplace
Coming to a workplace near you: Wearable sensors. This technology promises to increase worker productivity and job satisfaction. One out of two isn’t bad.
Every Day Is Halloween
Startups by their very nature defy convention. Yet, unconventional job postings giving the impression that every day is Halloween may be a step too far.
Clean Up Your Accounting Files
Poor accounting records are a very bad reflection on management. Consider cleaning up your accounting files and procedures before seeking outside funding.
How to Improve Social Media?
How to improve social media? It’s a good question, the answer to which doesn’t involve asking US social media users to participate in a two day boycott.
Partnering with Amazon
Partnering with Amazon can be very rewarding . . . or it can be the opposite. Consider both the upsides and downsides before joining Amazon Seller Central.