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Hugsy Deserves a Hug

Hugsy, an intriguing Dutch startup, has developed a smart blanket for the care of premature babies. May its recent fundraising be the first of many.

Art Meets Technology – LED Bike Lights

Art Meets Technology - LED Bike Lights My first thought was, WOW, why did I not have bicycle lights like that when I grew up?! I grew up in the Netherlands in the days where current technology was not invented yet. Back to the future with the DeLorean car and the...

The Old Fax Machine – Do You Still Use It?

The Old Fax machine - Do You Still Use It? Do you still use the good old fax machine aka "facsimile"? I must admit, we still have one....but only because the same machine is a printer, a color printer no less, as well as a scanner and copier! So why not keep the fax...

Amazon Pricing – The Battle for Market Share

Amazon Pricing - The Battle for Market Share Will anyone be able to undercut Amazon pricing; in other words will Amazon be able to stop the Wheel of Retailing? The concept is being debated by HBR in the original article below. I will shed my light on this very...

Globalization – A Harvard Business Review

Globalization Globalization is nothing new. Centuries ago global trade routes existed from the West to the east and back. Among notable trade routes was the Amber Road which served as a dependable network for long-distance trade. Maritime trade along the Spice Route...

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