Our Blog

Change Is the Only Constant

Over 2,500 years ago, the Greek philosopher Heraclitus wrote that change is the only constant in life. It’s even more true in today’s startup world.

Cherry Picking

It’s always cherry picking time at “Newco.” Confirmation bias is a cognitive weakness frequently observed in startups, where conditions foster its spread.

Corporations Are People Too

Corporations are people too, especially in their obituaries. People don’t “die” and companies don’t “fail.” We have more acceptable terms to describe their . . . . passing.

Texts and Clicks

Give me a clicky keyboard any time. Texting fails to provide the same, comforting, multi-sensory feedback. Nothing compares to typing on my trusty NMB Technologies Hi Tek.

Test Run Misconceptions

When is a test run not a test run? When cash-strapped or inexperienced entrepreneurs are involved. Plan properly, avoid these common pilot production run errors.

Let’s Start Something new
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