600 Lbs of Contract Manufacturing Lessons

Contract manufacturing is the engine that propels many a small business.  Few startups have the equipment, experience and money needed to produce in-house.  A contract manufacturer can be a trusted partner, tweaking prototypes and offering suggestions, recommending...

Branding Your One Pager

We live in a branded world.  At every turn, it seems, we are encouraged to build our personal brands.  Social media is awash with the disciples of this new religion.  As a relative outsider looking in, I prefer to leave such matters to the Twitter habitués and...

Part Time Entrepreneurs

Part time Astronaut wanted; no experience necessary.  Ridiculous.  No one would entrust a complex, multi-million dollar program to a novice on an hourly schedule.  So, why do so many part time entrepreneurs (PTEs) approach investors with a similar pitch? PTEs are...

The Reluctant Entrepreneur

The Curious Case of the Reluctant Entrepreneur.   A hitherto unknown Conan Doyle story?  No, rather the tale of a founder, “Olivia,” who refused to change her business model when faced with negative investor feedback.   What should have been a relatively simple change...

Don’t Skimp on Legal Advice

As a startup advisor these many years, I have grown accustomed to working with clients who choose their own paths.  My advice can fall upon deaf ears.  Twas ever thus.  Had my entrepreneurial clients been accustomed to following others’ directions, it’s likely they...

Like Venture Capitalists?

This is the fourth in a series of founder related blogs, all of which could be filed under the heading, Dumbfounded.  I have written previously about startup founders hoarding shares, overvaluing their companies, and filling key roles with non-entrepreneurial hires. ...
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