Test Run Misconceptions

Question:  When is a test run not a test run?  Answer:  When cash-strapped entrepreneurs are involved.  I’ve observed many pilot production runs, for food, health-and-beauty, and CPG products.  Most were mandated by contract manufacturers as a necessary pre-production...

600 Lbs of Contract Manufacturing Lessons

Contract manufacturing is the engine that propels many a small business.  Few startups have the equipment, experience and money needed to produce in-house.  A contract manufacturer can be a trusted partner, tweaking prototypes and offering suggestions, recommending...

Branding Your One Pager

We live in a branded world.  At every turn, it seems, we are encouraged to build our personal brands.  Social media is awash with the disciples of this new religion.  As a relative outsider looking in, I prefer to leave such matters to the Twitter habitués and...

Part Time Entrepreneurs

Part time Astronaut wanted; no experience necessary.  Ridiculous.  No one would entrust a complex, multi-million dollar program to a novice on an hourly schedule.  So, why do so many part time entrepreneurs (PTEs) approach investors with a similar pitch? PTEs are...

The Reluctant Entrepreneur

The Curious Case of the Reluctant Entrepreneur.   A hitherto unknown Conan Doyle story?  No, rather the tale of a founder, “Olivia,” who refused to change her business model when faced with negative investor feedback.   What should have been a relatively simple change...
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