Cherry Picking

The bad news?  The 2018 cherry harvest here in Massachusetts is nearing its conclusion.  The good news?  If you work for a startup it’s always cherry picking time! I refer to Confirmation Bias, the tendency to look for, favor, interpret, and utilize information in a...

Corporations Are People Too

Corporations are people, too.  Not in the sense that the Supreme Court ruled in Citizens United, when it allowed corporations the free speech rights accorded to citizens.  No, I am referring to business obituaries.  Dead companies, like dead people, enjoy the same...

Canaries in the Startup Mine

Occasionally, I am asked if there is an indicator of startup success, something that can be spotted early in a company’s existence.  My answer is simple: “Had I such a gauge of future corporate success I would be a very rich man.”  That remark satisfies most...

Texts and Clicks

I am typing this blog on a desktop computer using my trusty NMB Technologies HI TEK keyboard.  As I write, its loud clicking provides a soothing background buzz, helping me forget the fact that my opposable thumbs did indeed oppose me earlier today while texting from...
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