Almost Bankable? There’s Hope

NEWS Articles offered here for your consideration . . . without comment. Montana & Idaho CDC has helped a growing number of Treasure Valley businesses launch, including Tin Roof Tacos, Downtown Hound and El Cafetal. Source: Too few assets to secure a bank loan for...

Pursue Product Perfection, or Scalability?

NEWS Articles offered here for your consideration . . . without comment. When I first designed my platform for Due, I knew all along that I was not going to wait to create the perfect product before I launched it. Source: Should Your Product Be Perfect or Scalable?...

Concrete Examples: Low Tech Goes High Tech

News These two articles show what scientists at the University of Arizona and the University of Utah are doing with one “low tech” material:  Concrete.   There’s more to it than you might think. Inventor Jinhong Zhang, associate professor of mining...
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